Introducing Social Media Vidbits for Photo Booth
Video Advertising is Hot
First a few facts...
- A Facebook video receives on average 135% more engagement than a facebook image.
- 4x as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.
- Companies which use videos in their marketing grow revenue 49% faster than those which don’t.
- Most viewers will watch social media videos on their mobile phone with the sound off. (be sure to caption them)
Video is perfect for your industry. You have a fun, interactive product to sell.
Our social media vidbits are short, captioned, and convey energy and fun.
How to use Social Media Vidbits
- Upload them on YouTube and embed them in your emails.
- Directly load them on Facebook so they play automatically.
- Put them on your website.
- Purchase several and send a new one with each email to a prospect.
Each video comes with a short email letter. Send a video out to your prospects along with a punchy message and watch your response soar.
We won't sell the same video to two companies in the same area.
Purchase 3 videos and send a new one out with each contact. Rotate them on your facebook page.
Vidbit Pricing
3 Vidbits + 3 email letters --> $395
1 Vidbit + 1 email letter . --> $175
Make your selections today before they are snatched up in your area.
Call with questions: 515-276-9266
PB Vidbit #1
PB Vidbit #2
PB Vidbit #3
PB Vidbit #4