Blogging Service for DJs

NEW! A powerful, longterm marketing strategy - DJ Blogging!

Blogging service for djsBlogs boost your website IF you post at least once a week. We will post a wedding-oriented blogpost every Monday on websites we build.

Blogging benefits are for real!

  • Drives more traffic to your website, because you’ll show up more often in organic searches.
  • Helps to convert traffic into leads.
  • Establishes your authority.
  • Creates long term results, because old posts continue to show up in search engines.
  • Allows you to expand on your keywords.
  • Supports your social media efforts by providing content.
  • Increases brand loyalty.
  • Increases rate of return.
  • Creates opportunities to generate inbound links.
  • Increases search engine effectiveness by use of phrases, or ‘long-tail search queries.’
  • Increases leads.  (The more pages, the more leads.)
  • Allows you to achieve ‘freshness’ which Google loves.
  • Encourages repeat traffic.
  • Boosts your email campaign by creating user-friendly, soft-sell content.

Blogging for djs

Subscribe by the month.  Call now for details and pricing: 515-276-9266